Apex Academy

Apex Everywhere: The Roll of Apex in our Everyday Lives

For decades, Apex International has been a global manufacturer and innovator of anilox, gravure, coating, and glue roll solutions, primarily used in the printing and packaging industries. Did you know through recent acquisitions, Apex International has acquired over 150+ years’ experience in the embossing roll sector! With strategic growth, consistent manufacturing quality, state-of-the-art technology and expert service and support, Apex plays a “roll” in the lives of the everyday global consumer. From tissues to boxes, floors to labels, Apex is everywhere!

Let us re-introduce ourselves: Apex International is a global manufacturer and innovator of anilox, coating, glue, gravure, and embossing roll solutions, used everywhere.

Apex International: Anilox, Coating, Gravure, Embossing & Glue Roll Solutions

We specialize in engraving quality industrial rolls with precision and consistency for a variety of applications.

Picture1-Feb-19-2024-05-20-51-0495-PMAnilox roll solutions play a critical role in the flexo printing process, precisely transferring ink/coating/adhesive etc. to the printing plate or directly to the substrate. Apex anilox rolls and sleeves come in a variety of engraving options to suite your specific printing or coating application: patented open channel GTT 2.0, UltraCell Hex 60°, 45°, Longcell, Channellox, Trihelical, 60° Bottoms up, and 45° Bottoms up engravings. Custom engraving options are available as well.

Rotogravure roll solutions are the heart of the gravure printing process, precisely transferring ink or coatings directly from the roll and printing onto the paper, plastic, or other substrate. Available in custom and common Picture2-2repeating patterns, Apex gravure rolls are of the highest quality and available worldwide.

Embossing roll solutions are capable of embossing patterns into a variety of materials used every day. Apex Embossing has design experts, full-service repro department, and embossing technology to bring your embossing pattern to life.

Glue & starch roll solutions are used in the creation of corrugated board to meter the perfect amount of glue/starch for quality board manufacturing. Accora glue sets are the Apex roll solution engineered to build the best board, with minimal starch/glue consumption and waste.

Everywhere: Impacting Global Consumer & Industrial Products

All the stated roll solutions available through Apex can be used to create the wide variety of things we see, eat, handle, and interact with in our everyday lives.

Tissues, fabric, flooring, glass, plastic, metal, medical, car interiors and much more all use embossing rolls to create the texture and branding on the products we know and love. And all those products are packaged using boxes, labels, shrink sleeves, tubes, cartons, and other flexible packaging that need anilox rolls for quality print and specialty effects. But you can’t create the boxes or paperboard without accurate glue starch metering rolls. Even the wallpaper, décor and furniture use rotogravure rolls for repeating print patterns on our favorite home and garden finds.

Picture3-3In the average person’s kitchen, there may be 100+ products that utilize Apex roll solutions! The paper towels, pasta boxes, tuna cans, kitchen cabinets, decorative wallpaper, backsplash tile, trash can/bags, and the list goes on. Companies around the globe rely on Apex International rolls to ensure their finished goods maintain brand identification & differentiation, product quality, consumer protection, and sustainability practices.

With Great Rolls come Great Responsibility

Apex takes pride in being the world’s largest anilox roll manufacturer, and now a global leader in embossing roll manufacturing. But with great rolls come great responsibility and Apex is equipped for the job. With 100% in-IMG_7811house manufacturing capabilities across 7 global production facilities, Apex has full control of the production process to achieve unmatched excellence in our rolls and sleeves. We use the latest technologies for roll engraving, milling, polishing, refurbishment and more. Verified for accuracy and quality using the FTA-award winning, Veritas/MicroScan inspection system, Apex rolls endure a comprehensive production and quality control process because we understand the importance rolls have in our everyday lives.

With multiple R&D investments, Apex is dedicated to continuous improvement to better the products that better our world. Our patented GTT open-slalom channel geometry was developed for 10+ years to solve a variety of common print, performance, waste, and quality issues for printers.

For embossing and rotogravure applications, our full-service independent repro department can design or duplicate the engraving pattern you need using a variety of technologies and proof them on our in-house proofing equipment.

For great rolls you can trust, choose Apex International. We are both proud and humbled to be trusted by over 11,000 customers in 110+ countries. Contact us to discover how Apex can play a roll in your important application. We are Apex International; we are your trusted roll partner; and we are everywhere!

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