Apex Academy

Driving Innovation and Sustainability: Apex International’s Partnership with Lombardi

In today’s fast-evolving printing industry, collaboration and innovation are crucial to success within the flexo industry. At Apex International, we are proud of our longstanding relationship with Lombardi Converting Machinery, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of flexographic and hybrid Label printing presses. This partnership, which spans over 15 years, has been pivotal in delivering cutting-edge solutions to the global market, enhancing print quality, and driving innovation in both flexographic and hybrid technologies.

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Nicola Lombardi, Marketing Manager at Lombardi, to discuss the history of our collaboration and the future of the printing industry.

The Origins of a Strong Alliance

Lombardi was founded in 1988, initially focusing on manufacturing die-cutting machines. However, by the 2000s, the company shifted its focus to flexographic printing presses. It was during this transition that the collaboration with Apex International began. Apex’s expertise in anilox technology and our shared commitment to quality made us natural collaborators.

Nicola shared that Lombardi has always believed in the value of "Made in Italy" quality and how that philosophy aligns perfectly with Apex's mission to deliver precision and reliability. Apex has played a crucial role in helping Lombardi maintain its high standards by providing top-quality components and technical support.

“Our collaboration with Apex is built on trust and shared values. Apex is synonymous with quality, and this has allowed us to extend our ‘Made in Italy’ ethos beyond Europe. Together, we’ve been able to offer flexible and innovative printing solutions to meet the evolving needs of the global market,” says Nicola.

Troubleshooting: Apex’s Secret Weapon

One of the standout strengths of Apex International is its exceptional troubleshooting capability, a critical factor in ensuring long-term success for its customers. Nicola was quick to highlight how invaluable Apex's support has been, particularly in the U.S. market, where customer expectations around service are especially high.

“Apex’s ability to troubleshoot problems quickly and effectively is a game-changer for us,” Nicola shared. “The American market is highly sensitive to service quality, and Apex consistently helps us resolve any technical issues swiftly. Their dedication to this aspect of the business has kept our customers happy and our presses running smoothly.”

This attention to service doesn’t just stop at delivering components; it extends into long-term support. Addressing customer-specific challenges, Apex ensures that Lombardi’s presses consistently perform at their best. Nicola emphasized that the alliance thrives because of this high level of collaboration in addressing and overcoming challenges.

“In the American market, having a partner like Apex who can jump in and resolve issues quickly makes all the difference. Their troubleshooting capabilities strengthen our machines and solidify our alliance.”

In addition to troubleshooting, Apex’s global presence has been another vital advantage for Lombardi. Nicola highlighted that having a trusted ally capable of offering support and service in multiple regions allows Lombardi to maintain the high-quality standards that customers expect.

“Apex’s global layout has been invaluable. They provide consistent service across all our locations, ensuring that we can resolve challenges wherever they arise,” said Nicola.

Leading the Way in Sustainability

IMG_1673As the printing industry continues to evolve, sustainability is becoming more important. Lombardi is committed to meeting these demands through innovational efforts and collaboration with suppliers. 

“We’re seeing the physical implications now of companies and people who haven’t been environmental conscious. As a company of our size it is crucial to lead by example and take action.” Nicola states. 

Lombardi takes pride in partnering with suppliers like Apex International, who share their commitment to sustainability. Apex, a leader in eco-conscious solutions, has developed precision anilox rolls that reduce both ink and substrate waste. This collaboration between Apex and Lombardi plays a significant role in advancing sustainable practices within the flexographic printing industry. Lombardi’s presses, enhanced by Apex’s components, provide customers with the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining the highest standards of print quality.

The Future of Printing

At Apex International, we are excited to continue our journey with Lombardi, driving innovation in flexographic printing technologies. The strength of our alliance, bolstered by our shared values and expertise, has allowed both companies to thrive.

Nicola sums it up best: “In today’s complex market, having a strong ally like Apex is more important than ever. Working together with suppliers for the greater good of the industry is key to properly adapting to the market changes and staying ahead in such an evolving market.”

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